With certain listed Chinese companies, yes, you can. Some have very extensive disclosure. Some even have, I would say, compartmentalized disclosure regarding certain manufacturers.
Some companies in China have really top-notch disclosure. Again, I think this is partly due to being listed in the U.S., because it's really constraining now to be listed. You need to disclose much more. That should be an example we should draw on regarding what Canada could do eventually to force more disclosures. Some companies, yes, have really top-notch disclosures.
For some of them, you really need to put in the extra effort to find things. I'm going to circle back to water consumption because this is one of the key elements. We always try to find water consumption. It's really complicated sometimes. Some companies are really lagging behind, but when you know what to look for and when you know where to find it, you can find it.
Again, it's a matter of larger companies versus much smaller companies. It's really going to depend on that, ultimately.