The member is quite right to point this out, and there are different sources that would point to the same direction. It's a very sharp upward trend in terms of needs for the supply of critical minerals.
Canada is blessed with a very large resource endowment in so many of those critical minerals. We have given ourselves the means in support for R and D. Just last week, a $1.5-billion envelope was confirmed and rendered public for infrastructure development—which is a major obstacle, as you know—to ensure that those products are available and to get them to market.
When we look at engagement by private sector firms.... Should any of you have attended the PDAC conference in Toronto in March, you would have seen literally tens of thousands of expert scientists, geologists and investors flocking to Canada to engage in deal-making.
We're actually quite optimistic that the ramp-up will occur. Will it be happening fast enough globally? Time will tell. Certainly, Canada is pulling its weight and more.