It is very shocking news. Actually, there are quite a few that have opened up in Ontario and one in Markham where I lived.
The Chinese agents have been around, but I think openly. That it's actually the Chinese police, I think this really the first time we've heard that. I think they are openly doing that because there's no legislation. There's nothing to deter them, nothing to punish them.
I think that Canada should have some new legislation. As police from China, they should be agents or government officials. They cannot just open offices in Canada.
They claim that they just help Chinese citizens to renew their passports. They don't need that because they have their own embassy. They have used that to intimidate Chinese citizens in the past to scare them to go back to China to face trial, and then they threaten their families. Now I think, with the police station in Markham, they can intimidate people like us. I have been living in Canada for many decades. Now I feel frightened. I need to install a camera in my house.
I think the Canadian government needs to really look into this because they are Chinese police. They should be considered as agents. There should be legislation that says they need to inform the Canadian government that they are agents.