The ombudsman of the bank was supposed to publish a report, for example, having looked into the situation in my department. Twelve of the department members backed me up. Four, including the one Communist Party member, were opposed. We never heard anything back from that. I left so quickly after it that I never had a chance to call for improvement in the ombudsman's office.
I would say that, if I were calling for improvements, it would be in the human resources function, which operates more like a kind of secret police inside the bank. I would call for improvement in the IT department, which, rather than enable communication, which is my job, acted more like a security system that led to well-known, infamous surveillance inside the bank. I would call for reforms of that too.
I would also call for a reform of the system of non-resident board members. If there were a resident board at this bank, where people in Beijing, like in other MDBs, would see what was going on, then perhaps things might have been different.