They have taken that role in part for geographical reasons. Many of those peacekeeping missions have been in sub-Saharan Africa, which is a key, shall we say, area of investment for China under its development programs, its belt and road initiative and its desire to acquire bases, not just on the eastern side of Africa but now also on the western side of Africa. It's been driven very much by self-interest. They have an interest as well in stability in the sub-Saharan continent. By the way, that serves our interests as well, but it's on their terms, not ours.
It also comes back to the proposition about the Chinese desire for influence. Look at the influence and the reputational bounce that we got when we were the big peacekeepers in the world back in the 1950s and 1960s. It defined us as a middle power. Guess what. It's doing exactly the same thing for China today, not as a middle power but as a great power.