That is a challenge, and poses a constant threat. It’s a fact of life. History reveals that, over the last 100 years, Chinese intelligence services have focused on the Chinese diaspora, with whom they are most comfortable, since this population speaks Mandarin or one of the Chinese dialects.
The current Chinese government—like many of its predecessors throughout history—seems to hold that a Chinese person always remains a citizen of China, even if, technically, that is not the case. The Chinese government can still exert influence over that person, who, in its view, must have a certain allegiance, a certain respect for Beijing. It’s very difficult to counter that. Most members of Canada’s various diasporas, such as Brazilians or Greeks, take a natural interest in their country of origin. When a country’s intelligence service has the ability and the will to control and use its diaspora against Canada’s interests, even if only a very small minority of that diaspora is targeted, we need to monitor it closely.
Is there any way around it? No.
For me, it's a bit like crabgrass. You pull it up and it comes back.
It will always be like that. They will continue to use their power in the diaspora to follow their own interests. It's naive to think it's going to stop. You won't be able to stop it. We're a very minor influence. We have to continue to combat it and to be aware of it.