Could I add a few words?
I haven't done the math, but I think the effects of a thoroughgoing set of sanctions in the United States would be catastrophic in the short to medium term. It would be immensely inflationary. In many cases, the necessary inputs to manufacture would not be there. Magna alone has 13 factories in China. We thought it was bad enough with the disruptions from COVID. That would be mild compared to the effects of a thoroughgoing effort to isolate the Chinese economy from the North American economy. Even Mexican factories very often have Chinese investment or Chinese inputs in them. Even the U.S. defence industry gets alarmed every now and then when they find a chunk of Chinese chips or other pieces in their aircraft.
I think there would be a cascading, rolling effect, which would be devastating for the stock market and inflationary, with higher unemployment. Again, I haven't done the math, but my gut feeling is that I hope we don't have to go there but, if we do, tighten your seat belts as the effects would be very seriously felt across this country.