Thank you very much.
I think this is a very critical question. Up to now, more than 140 countries have committed to becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. Each country is making serious efforts to achieve that commitment. The world is changing rapidly, and technology has been developing very rapidly. We only hope that we will make it.
When it comes to the leaders' meeting at the Hiroshima Summit, they are once again committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, depending on the history, political reality, technologies and economic development level of each country. Depending on all of these things, there must be various ways to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
I do believe this country has enormous potential, because you have clean energy. As I just mentioned, Japan's energy self-sufficiency rate is only 13%, so we have to improve on that. In this country, you have a 190% energy self-sufficiency rate, representing an enormous ability. Also, you have a strong willingness to come up with initiatives to meet the 2050 goal of carbon neutrality. I see so many new and emerging technologies to produce new energy with hydrogen or ammonia as well as small modular reactors and so on.
I do not have a crystal ball, but I do hope this country and Japan can make it.