Let me start by saying we're huge fans of the Indo-Pacific strategy. We think it corrects a lot of things that were missing, or builds upon some of the successes in the Americas strategy, so we have very specific complaints.
However, on the TPP, what we need is a degree of modesty. Trying to exercise leadership at the TPP would be failure. The region does not want Canada's leadership. The region does not need Canada's leadership. The region wants Canada to put its shoulder to the wheel and do the hard work of improving the agreement.
There's a review of the agreement. What needs to be strengthened in the agreement? What needs to be changed? We have to start showing up and doing the unglamorous hard work of building the agreement and doing the nuts and bolts.
We're still digging ourselves out of the hole that the Prime Minister dug in Da Nang when he embarrassed Japanese Prime Minister Abe and had the Australians cursing us out in public. We're rebuilding from that. You don't do that with bold claims of leadership. You do it by showing up and doing the hard, unglamorous work. That's what success looks like. Failure looks like trying to claim leadership at a summit when people neither want it nor need it from us.