Mr. Chair, it's not a question of time. It's a question of opportunity.
If I want to talk about my colleague's motion before the party opposite proposes amendments or anything else, I am allowed to do so. I clearly indicated that I wanted to speak before Mr. Naqvi did. If you deprive me of my right to speak at this time, you are depriving me of the opportunity to talk about this motion before another party, such as the government party, can propose amendments that may change the meaning of the motion. You saw very clearly that I asked to speak first, as the people following our proceedings could see. I even interrupted my colleague Mr. Chong to ask to speak before you turned to Mr. Naqvi.
Once again, I ask you to follow the order in which members ask to speak and to give me the floor before my colleague. That is how we usually operate in committee. I am sure that my fellow member has some very interesting things to say, but I am within my rights to insist on having the floor now.