At the same time, Presidia didn't get nearly the facts that CSIS was able to uncover, but they were contracted a week earlier, in December 2018. There's a preliminary report. They have investigative findings.
In their investigative findings, they say in relation to the undisclosed patent by Dr. Qiu that it's “highly improbable that she did not know”. They go on to note that there was a “collaboration” with a number of individuals, including at the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, for which there may not be a “Letter of Support” and further investigation was required.
At that point, there is an investigation under way specifically related to Dr. Qiu. I've seen the email chains. There are other PHAC officials who are obviously doing the approvals here.
How is it that there are no red flags?
I'll stay with Mr. Poliquin. You seem to know more. Why were there no red flags? How could there possibly not be red flags?