That's fair play.
I think the worst thing is doing an after-the-fact gotcha moment, when these things are very complex and when there are all manner of things happening at the same time. However, I remember the free trade debate when Stephen Harper and the Conservatives were pushing a full free trade agreement with China. We raised serious questions about their record and issues of intellectual property theft. That got signed in 2012. In 2014, the National Research Council was forced to shut down its servers—this is our top scientific research organization—because of hacking from China. We had to shut down Treasury Board servers at one point because of hacking from China. The Bank of Canada and even Parliament Hill were targeted by China.
I'm not going to ask you for specifics, but were red flags being raised with the government? We had just signed a trade agreement with this country, and all of our key scientific, government and financial portals were being targeted by hackers. Were there investigations, hypothetically, done? Were they state actors, hypothetically?
Can you give us a broader picture so we can know how we ended up in this situation with the Winnipeg lab?