I'll interrupt you there, Mr. Vigneault.
You know that things were not in great shape. Then we had information from the PHAC to CSIS to say that there might be threatening actors at the national microbiology lab, and it still took more than 10 months to secure the lab—more than two and a half years. Your contention, sir, has always been that they were Canadian citizens and that we had to give them the benefit of the doubt. However, as my colleague easily pointed out, we can get rid of a senior bank person here in Canada much more quickly. This is national security.
I guess the other question, then, is this: If things were great, then, with regard to security at the national microbiology lab, why have they had to change so radically now? Clearly, they were not. Clearly, the situation was not as rosy as you have tried to paint to the committee, sir.