Thank you very much.
It's my understanding that in the last 30 to 40 years we've really provided a lot of our manufacturing jobs over to China, that the western world has really led its foreign policy concerning China with the idea that the more we build trade and relationships, the more China will become like us. I'm sure you've heard this. That certainly has not been the case. We have a lot of vulnerabilities with China, as we saw during the Meng Wanzhou situation and with the canola ban and pork and many others, so we are very vulnerable in some ways with our trade. Of course, China needs to feed over a billion people, so it does need food, and Canada is a large supplier of that, but we certainly saw China take advantage of that.
I'm just concerned that it seems very much that their intentions are not necessarily for our interest and are certainly serving their own.
You may have heard recently that our chief of the defence staff, General Eyre, has said that his position is that China wants to remake the world to suit its needs. It's very much the position of our military, obviously. Can you comment on that? Are they seeing this wrong in your opinion, or do our defence capabilities need to step up to meet this challenge that he sees?