Our forced labour policy doesn't have any accountability. We could reform it to have some accountability. I think there have been good organizations in Canada looking at how we could do due diligence. We could look to the EU, Germany and Norway. They're doing great jobs, as is France with its vigilance law. There's some very good modelling we can learn from about what's working—and mistakes as well. That's due diligence. Without due diligence, we won't monitor any of our supply chains. That's very problematic right now. Canada is behind the eight ball on that.
You also asked about border patrol. I don't understand why we haven't been able to seize anything. I know we have a policy, but it hasn't worked. However, I do know that, in the U.S., something like 7,000 products have been seized in the last couple of years. There's a real stark difference. I think we could learn why there are teeth in that policy and why we don't have any.
You asked about a third point.