I'm calling the meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 44 of the House of Commons Special Committee on the Canada-People's Republic of China Relationship.
Pursuant to the order of reference of May 16, 2022, the committee is meeting on its study of the Canada-People's Republic of China relations.
I just have a quick note. As we saw during question period today a feedback incident that was very problematic for our interpreters, we would ask you to keep these earphones as far away from the microphones as you can. Just put them on that little decal that's on the desk, and we should be fine. We don't need to go into more detail than that, I'm sure.
We are having today's meeting in a hybrid format. Members are attending in person in the room and remotely using the Zoom application.
Those of you on Zoom, of course, have the interpretation choice at the bottom of your screen.
Members in the room, if you wish to speak, we have a speaking order, but if you do wish to intervene, please raise your hand. The clerk and I will do our best to make sure that everybody is recognized in as close to the order as possible.
We're meeting today on the matter of Canada's Indo-Pacific strategy.
I'd like to now welcome our witnesses for today. We have Her Excellency Maria Andrelita Sacramento Austria, Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines; Myca Magnolia Fischer, deputy head of mission; and Leo Marco Vidal, third secretary.
Madam Ambassador, you have up to five minutes to make your opening statement.