I call the meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 46 of the House of Commons Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship.
I'll remind everybody of the guidelines with respect to headphones. Keep them away from the microphone so that we don't injure our interpreters.
Of course, we're meeting in a hybrid format. I think the only one on the screen from the membership side is Nate Erskine-Smith. He'll drop in, I'm sure, as the need arises.
You all know the rules, so we don't need to go through those.
Some introductions are in order. There are two groups. The first one, which is the top priority, is to introduce our new clerk, Danielle Widmer.
For the second group, it's nice to have Mr. Villemure join us for the Bloc, and Mr. Louis on the Liberal side.
Mr. Fast, are you here permanently, or are you filling in for somebody?