Certainly this is not a strategy that we develop on our own. I think it's a very clear example of a strategy that needs to be developed collaboratively with a number of partners, and not just the United States, western Europe and Australia. I think when we look at some of the voting patterns we've seen recently with respect to some of the statements dealing with Uighurs and Hong Kong, etc., there are starting to be a few other countries willing to come to the table and be part of saying the right thing.
The strategy needs to be developed with them, because I think you're quite right that if we just sit around a table on our own here in Ottawa and craft a strategy for how to deal with China at the UN Human Rights Council, that will largely be ineffective. We really need to start to think about relationships and who can perhaps be brought on board. We need to have a larger constituency of countries than the usual suspects who have been coming together so far, and bring some real experts into thinking this through.