Mr. Chair, it's great to be back on the committee with you. I think this committee has done some really strong work in a very collaborative sense, including our recent film study and the Lincoln report.
I'm intrigued by the issue of museums; it's an issue very dear to my heart. My concern, however, is the timeline, and I think we do need to sit down with a calendar and block off how much time we have for issues and where we need to put our priorities.
I would suggest at the outset that there are going to be two issues we're going to have to deal with. Come this fall, we know that the copyright legislation will probably be coming down, unless the parliamentary secretary can tell me otherwise. So we will have to block off a fair amount of time to deal with that legislation, because a lot of eyes will be on us. That's going to put a certain amount of pressure on the timeline in the fall.
The other issue is television, as has been mentioned. A number of issues are coming together pretty much at once. We do have the review of CBC. I think it is the mandate of this committee to look at CBC, especially in terms of regional programming and domestic drama content and where we're going with that. This ties into the CRTC review of the television licences, which I think raises a question that we need to ask as a committee: what is the status and success or failure rate of our domestic content standards? That's also tied in very much to what's happening over in Geneva with the GATS, where we are the subject of an audio-visual request that has serious implications for the future of domestic television content quotas and our ability to maintain our own preferred tax rates. Those negotiations are ongoing. We are a requestor nation at the GATS in terms of telecom, which ties into broadcast. So what I'm suggesting is that these issues are all coming together right now and that we as a committee need to be able to look at them.
I would suggest that television and broadcast be our initial focus, and we're going to have to figure out the time and how to scope that. As we get through that and come up with a report and a clear direction, the other issues will fall into line and maybe we can start looking at a calendar between now and probably the late fall or Christmas in order to be able to balance out these priorities.