More so than ever, because the only way in my opinion to maintain our credibility will be to have strong credible branding, and the only way to get robust Canadian content will be to have the businesses that are capable of producing it.
I will give you a few simple examples as far as French services are concerned. Currently, the only mass media undertaking capable of serving francophones outside Quebec is Radio-Canada. The only mass media undertaking capable of speaking to all Canadians across the country is Radio-Canada. The only mass media company capable of opening the doors of the world to francophone Canadians is the French service of Radio-Canada. In my opinion, it is extremely important. The more fragmentation there is, the more dubious information there will be, the more important it will be to have very strong and credible broadcasters, and the public broadcaster will be part of that. This is a major democratic and cultural issue. It is a major issue for socially important questions like cultural co-existence and understanding of the great international problems.
The public broadcaster will always serve as a gauge of quality in that sense and it will be more useful than ever in the 21st century, much more useful than it was during the 20th century, in my opinion.