Maybe I can add a little clarity, or at least my recollection of our discussion.
I think Mr. Bélanger put his finger on it. When we discussed this originally as a committee, we were going to be meeting on a Tuesday. So the question was, if it was put into the system on a Friday, would it clear? If we take a look at the 48-hour rule, if hypothetically we had a meeting on Tuesday morning, and it was put in on Friday afternoon, it wouldn't be 48 hours. I believe that is what our discussion, as a committee, focused on, and we said no, let's waive that.
The fact that the meeting has now been moved from Tuesday to Monday is what has fouled up this previous agreement. I'm sure that we, as committee members, can come to an amicable agreement this coming Wednesday as to what the best rule would be so that the opposition can do their job.