Yes, we've done that on a number of projects. For example, in the case of the Garderie Clin D'oeil project, we worked with the school board people and with the various women's groups because it was they who had this need. It's complex and tragic when you live in a minority setting. If both parents have to work, they want to ensure that their children can experience their childhood in their mother tongue so that they don't lose it. This is a good example of working in a partnership. The problem is that we're both the strong link and the weak link. It isn't the school board's job to subsidize us and to always be helping us with $2,000 or $3,000 at a time. That's not its fundamental purpose. Its purpose is to educate our children as well as possible. That doesn't mean that we can't work together on projects. We have worked on training projects so that our Grade 12 students can acquire work experience and put that experience on their CVs when they want to find a full-time job.
It's hard because we operate after hours in class and hours at the office. We're always the game leg. We nevertheless get extraordinary support from people. You know how hard it is today, with the crazy life we lead, to find people who want to sit on boards of directors. You also lead crazy lives, because you're in politics. I don't know how you do it. It's extremely difficult. If we had a little permanence somewhere, we could be much more effective than we are now. We wouldn't have problems with communication or delays. We wouldn't have to take three months to do something that we could do in one or two weeks. That's what was the toughest. We went through the period before the cuts and the one after the cuts. It was extremely difficult. Without the support of people in our community—they also have jobs to do and they're involved in various committees—and their good intentions, we wouldn't have done it. Now we're at the end of our rope, and its very tough. The bags under our eyes are there for a reason.