Mr. Clarkson, I have a slight reprimand, if I may. It's been a long time since I've done this, but here goes.
You used an expression in one of your answers--you used it twice, actually--that negates the existence of about two million Canadians. I would beseech you to be judicious in your choice of words. When you use the expression “Quebec, English Canada”, which you did, you negate my existence. You imply in that comment that it's francophones in Quebec, anglophones elsewhere.
I was born in Ontario. I have lived my entire life in Ontario. And I am a francophone. You negate my existence and the existence of about a million others like me, and in the same way, you negate a whole pile of anglophones who live in Quebec. You also negate the existence of New Brunswick, the only bilingual province.
I understand what you're saying, and I understand the reality is
that Quebec is the home of the francophonie. I have no problem with that. The House of Commons recognized it in 1995 when a motion on the distinct society was adopted, which called upon every government institution, including Telefilm Canada, to reflect this reality in its policies, which is something you have done.
But please choose your words more carefully, if you don't mind my gentle criticism.