Mr. Chairman, I want the committee to be aware that there is a concern in the minority francophone community that the government has indicated its unwillingness to appoint a representative of that community. They've had a seat traditionally, or at least in recent years, on the board to represent the interests of that community. However, for some reason that I'm not aware of, the government has indicated its unwillingness to appoint someone from that community. That's something I wish to flag and that I'll be bringing back at the appropriate moment.
I would now move on to your comments.
You stated that you would like to be subject to part X of the Financial Administration Act, but I would like to understand what follows. What are the constraints that you would like to rid yourself of in this way? How do these constraints manifest themselves? Is it through audits, agreements, some kind of protocols, or policies? How do these limitations, which you seem to find somewhat suffocating, manifest themselves? Other than being subject to part X of the act, would there be any other way of easing Telefilm's burden?