As to that particular evaluation, in our tool kit we have two tax credit programs, one for certified production and one for the other type of production, foreign productions being shown in Canada. The need to be competitive on a worldwide scale is mostly related to attracting foreign-location shooting. Our evaluation will not be targeted at that program. It's going to be targeted at the tax credit program for certified production only.
I cannot tell you exactly. First, we need to have this evaluation come in, and we need to look at options. There's no question in my mind that after ten or eleven years of existence, a program has to be evaluated. So this is its intended purpose. It's a little difficult for me to tell you, because once we receive the evaluation—and we'll look at the recommendation, of course—and we do a management response, that might lead to a decision that the tax credit program is obsolete, or the money is all going to the banks, or it's not meeting its intended purposes. So there's an area of possibility here, and there is also the Department of Finance involved in this. It's not just for our minister.