I have one more question. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The nub of the problem has been that there are those who are concerned that the program has been delivered in an inequitable way. We've heard a lot of talk about equality, but it's that in fact it's been delivered to specific groups and not to others, who perhaps were also deserving of funding.
I'll quote to you from the summative evaluation of the court challenges program from 2003:
The administrative file review and key informant interviews with representatives from the Corporation administering the CCP both indicate that the Program, as currently delivered, will only support cases that protect and advance rights covered by the Program. In other words, a group or individual that would present legal arguments calling for a restrictive application of these rights would not receive CCP funding.
The report goes on to restate a number of times that it seems that the word “disadvantaged groups” has been defined in a very narrow way to perhaps reflect a certain ideology rather than fairness.
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