Well, however.... Then at the end of the day we get to see the report before it goes to the public. That is the same as pretty much any parliamentarian gets at the end of the day.
I would suggest that Mr. Kotto's motion speaks to the need for when the terms of reference are being drawn up. I don't think we're talking about eight to ten hours a day for weeks to draw up terms of reference. We want to be there when the terms of reference are drawn up so that we can talk about them. Do they fit the needs? Do they respond to the issues our citizens need to have addressed?
When the team is chosen, certainly I want to be at the table to talk to them. How do we know what their criteria for choice are? Do we even know why the minister chose them? We need to have a say at that point.
This isn't micromanaging; this is so that, at each step of the way before they go off to do their work, we can go back and say to our citizens, yes, this is an open and transparent process. If it takes a little bit of time to do that, I think the public is certainly going to want us to be sure we take that time.