In the likelihood of the CRTC's coming to a decision that would remedy this—beyond the remedy, at least in part, that the letter from the minister sent out Tuesday that arguably resulted in the decision about Vidéotron.... To that point, I think the government had taken the position that they were waiting on the CRTC. I would have preferred to have whatever action was taken on Tuesday taken earlier, and we wouldn't perhaps be in the circumstance we're in now.
Beyond the interim financing, which I'm sure we will be pushing the government to make effective immediately, are there any other pieces of this that you would see dealing specifically with the crisis, beyond interim funding—a directive to the CRTC to expedite the decision, to do the things that would be available to them to do? There may be some debate as to what those are, but I understand from the intervention you've made that you've prescribed a certain series of actions, and we'll probably hear from the government as to whether they would agree with your prescription.
Finally, as you know, we're doing a review of the role of public broadcasting in the 21st century as soon as this is over. I'm sure we'll see you back and we will be able to take up these issues in a broader context. I appreciate it very much.
Thank you.