Thank you very much for coming today. I really appreciate your frankness.
It seems to me you have been put in a very difficult position, because this power play was made very publicly when there was no leadership at the CRTC. I think it was done very deliberately by Shaw and Vidéotron.
But when I'm reflecting on the issues here, your role is really to enforce the regulations, so whether the circular is a custom or whether it's a piece of law is the issue for the CRTC, it seems to me. However, as my colleague pointed out, the CTF is the child of the heritage ministry. So I'm perplexed why you have had to step in between the concerns of the producers, the creators, the broadcasters and cable companies, because this, clearly, is very much under the jurisdiction of the heritage minister. This Canadian Television Fund is not a child of the CRTC; it belongs under the heritage minister.
I'd like to ask once again, why are we having to go to these closed-door hearings to deal with something that should have been dealt with through the minister and her department?