Thank you very much for coming today.
In your paper today, you stated the three distinct objectives of your review, and those are fine. They talk mostly about the current fund, exactly as it is--what the most effective use of the contributions is, the size and structure, and how to deal with the real or perceived conflicts. Those are three ways of dealing with the fund per se.
I would, however, like to know if you view your mandate under the heading of facilitating the provision of broadcasting in Canada and facilitating the provision of Canadian programs to Canadians. Do you see your role as broader than that? Do you see the fund itself, having regulations supporting it, as an adequate way to provide Canadian broadcasting for Canadian production and for Canadian programs and Canadian content?
The structure and process work. But do you think it's the best way? Do you think that we are, in fact, dealing with the needs of the new media and with providing a very strong Canadian presence in this country that requires not only production but also promotion and marketing to give us a place on the international scene to allow us to be a competitive nation in terms of our Canadian content?
Do you see yourself as dealing with that under this, or are you going to just restrict yourself to how things are working right now and whether they're fulfilling the regulations?