The Broadcasting Act, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act, and the Telecommunications Act give me a task to do, and essentially as an independent regulator we discharge our mandate in the way we see best, most efficient, and hopefully most successful. We hold public hearings, and we made it clear here that we will make the report public, and if necessary, if the matter is not resolved, then indeed we will hold public hearings. If it is resolved, then the solution will be public and we may very well have to amend the regulations, and we will do that.
The reason we are holding the first part in confidence is very simple. We are talking here about commercial reality, a big dispute between producers, the fund, and the contributors to the fund. We want to get at the root of it. We want to know what's going on. We want people to be able to talk to us freely without it in any way imperiling their commercial relations or making their negotiating position--because after all these people are all negotiators, each of them at one point in time--in any way more difficult by tilting the balance for somebody.
That's why we're doing it.