The reason for my question is that I wish to strike a balance between the industry's concerns and cultural concerns. Today, business concerns predominate. As was said recently before witnesses, the effect of all this on Canadian content has been somewhat understated.
We have seen what happened with satellite radio. The CRTC granted two licences to operators and now Quebec and Canada's share is 10%. The Broadcasting Act structure was not taken into account. A share of 10% is quite low for reserved space. At the beginning the 2.5% share was increased to 5%. In the present case we have forged ahead without considering the impact on cultural sovereignty.
Cultural sovereignty will have to be taken into consideration in the discussions of the task force. I am giving you a heads up, particularly with regard to the attitude of Shaw Communications Inc. This company is more concerned with the material aspect than the cultural aspect.
I would like to know if the CRTC has in the past received complaints from Shaw and Vidéotron with regard to this matter.