It's not who we should hear from, it's whether we have any more time to hear from people. We've set our agenda for the CBC mandate review. That was set. It has been changed because of the crisis that we had with the CTF and the funding. We have initiated that. We have a report. We've set those things aside. We've moved the CBC mandate backwards.
This only came to me.... It's dated February 14. Today, our meetings of witnesses are over. As Mr. Angus has said, there are many people who would like to speak. I'll go back to some of the things that were said here today by the CRTC. We're talking about a small piece here in this particular thing. If you haven't one of these, I can make sure you get one, but we have many people who would like to speak on these things.
Again, I have made that ruling. All I would like is the support of the committee. If you would vote that our hearings of witnesses are over and we bring in a report at the next meeting....