Mr. Chair, I find it surprising that the Liberal members of this committee are now supporting, first of all, a permanent commitment to this funding, basically indefinitely into the future, and secondly, our actually indexing it, something that they failed to do for some 10 years from the time the fund was established, when the government was actually contributing to it.
They never did that, and now suddenly, because they're on the other side of this table, this becomes an important issue. They would never have tied their hands as a government in the way this recommendation suggests.
You know, what's interesting, Mr. Chair, is that here we have a minister who pre-emptively already commits to two years forward, $100 million per year, to continue to fund the CTF, which is a huge step forward, I believe, providing stability in the industry. But now we're going that extra step, suggesting we want to tie her hands and commit her indefinitely, in perpetuity, to keeping this funding in place--and on top of that, to indexing it, something that the previous government was never prepared to do but is now suggesting is a great idea.
It puzzles me.