It's a long-standing problem.
Secondly, I also want us to focus in on what we are trying to achieve here. We've all paid lip service to the fact that we want to solve this problem. We want to solve the underlying problems of the CTF: how it's funded, how the money is allocated, what technologies might be served through this funding. This is all evidence that came out during these hearings.
We want to bring Vidéotron and Shaw to the table. We want to bring the industry to the table. Mr. Finckenstein wants to now work through a task force to bring resolution to all these issues. Not only are we, in this recommendation, as a committee, making a statement of condemnation, we're asking the minister now to go public and say she condemns these two companies for having stayed within the law.
What are we going to achieve by doing that? We're simply going to alienate the members of the industry who have raised concerns but who have actually come back to the table, have restored their monthly funding--which they weren't required to do legally--and now we're going to stick a stick in their eye and say we're condemning them publicly just to embarrass them even more, to shame them into doing this.
Do you think that's going to be conducive to moving forward and trying to resolve these issues? I think not.