You have asked for the question, which is on recommendation 1?
(Motion agreed to)
Moving on to recommendation 2, it reads:
The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage praises the work of the Canadian Television Fund for reasons outlined by all witnesses appearing before the committee on this matter—with the exception of Shaw Communications Inc. and Vidéotron Ltée—including, but not limited to: a) success in generating more than 23,000 hours of new Canadian television productions in English, French and aboriginal languages, which are crucial to the television industry and to the fostering of Canadian culture; b) helping foster a Canadian television production industry that creates tens-of-thousands of jobs, both directly and indirectly, in the audio-visual industry and other spinoff industries; c) leveraging addition investment in Canadian television production at a rate of between $2-$3.30 for every CTF dollar allocated.
You've heard the recommendation. Would anyone like to speak on the recommendation?
Mr. Warkentin.