This is clearly the challenge of the day, I think you're absolutely right. There are very much divided ideas as to how quickly this new media will come on, and to what extent it will displace or undermine or bypass the existing structure. So we really have the chance of, number one, administering our existing system, which has been a great success and we have a vibrant industry, on the one hand, but at the same time keeping in mind that technology is creating this new media, these alternate platforms, which have the possibility, the potential, of completely technologically bypassing the regulatory system that we have. Is it going to be a reality, and when will it be?
Secondly, so far we have taken a hands-off position and said we are not going to try to regulate new media, and, new media is essentially just an alternate platform. As it develops, as it becomes more and more powerful, there will be a question whether we have to re-examine that position or not, and, if so, can you actually impose some sort of regulation? What kind of regulation would it be? Would it be what we do right now, or do you have to do it quite differently? And most importantly, can you actually enforce it? There's no sense in setting up a regulatory scheme if you can't enforce it.
I don't know the answers to that. I'm acutely aware of it. The report we made for the minister, and which was tabled last December, which you referred to, was basically a snapshot of the situation as it is right now, but as we know, it's not stable; it's evolving. It's evolving very fast, etc.
One of the other things that I have said publicly, and will repeat here, is we have to get our head around the new media, we have to understand, we have to make educated guesses as to where we think it's going, what form it will take, and also how we use that media in order to live up to our central mandate, which is to make sure that there's Canadian content in the broadcasting world, in the new media, so that Canadians have the opportunity to see it, and so that we don't get lost in this new media world, so that Canada has its appropriate place.
This is talking at 10,000 feet, I know that. I'm doing it because I don't know any better. But we are studying it, we are working on it, and I think this is going to be the key challenge.