As you know, the CRTC is an independent body that makes judgments on the basis of what we see as best.
Both ministers of heritage and industry have the power under the respective acts to give us directions. But the directions have to be public, they have to be debated, and they have to be tabled for the most part. But clearly, when they do that we will abide by them, as was the question from Mr. CrĂȘte.
Over and above that, an independent regulator administers in the forum set out in the legislation, and obviously there has to be contact with the minister. I do an annual report for the minister. She presents it to the House of Commons and tables it, because I have no means of tabling it.
I think it's necessary that I understand her goals and aspirations and where they're going, just as she understands mine. I don't try to influence her and she doesn't influence me. But given the different mandates and policies, it makes sense that the two of us go in the same direction. I don't see any benefit in us going in opposite directions.
We both have the same idea in mind here. We talked about broadcasting of Canadian content, telecom, and trying to make sure we have an efficient, modern, competitive system, to the extent that's possible.
That's how I intend to administer this organization.