Thank you. I think we have to hold the questions right there.
During this round, it was mentioned that we came to the north but only to Yellowknife. We're holding hearings in Ottawa also. We are bringing people in from all over the country. We wanted to come to Yellowknife to have an on-site visit. Tomorrow we intend to visit the CBC facilities here in Yellowknife.
So we wanted to see a bit of what's going on here. There will be other people, whether it be from Yukon or Inuvik, to get their points across as well. This is our break week we're travelling in. With a minority government, you don't get very far away from Ottawa when the House is sitting. And that's usually when committees travel, during that time.
This week we're taking time out of our constituency week, the week during which we try to do our business at home, to come and make sure that we do get some input from Yellowknife. We had hearings in Vancouver on Wednesday. We're trying to do all that and still get home and look after our constituents.
I hope you'll take this as a bit of a reason why we aren't doing a whole trip. And I'd love to do a whole trip--as long as we didn't have to charter a plane every time we went to take off.
Thank you very much for your presentations and for your answers. We really appreciate it.
We'll take a short break and then call on Terry Wolfe, David Prichard, and GĂ©rald Lavigne.