Thank you.
The mandate itself is neutral on the distribution means. That's why we don't feel the mandate needs any overhaul at all. The mandate, which you've already referred to in part, is that the CBC is to reflect Canada and its regions, its national and regional audiences, serving the special needs of those regions. It's to contribute to an exchange of cultural expression, and to be in English or French, striving to be of equivalent quality in English and French. It's to contribute to shared national consciousness and identity, and to be made available throughout Canada by the most appropriate and efficient means.
According to this mandate, the CBC is able to engage whatever means to get the message out in the most efficient and effective way. So we don't see that the mandate itself needs any overhaul at all.
With regard to some of the other issues you've raised, I think the CBC is getting better at reflecting the cultural diversity of the country. It could improve. I think it would improve if in fact it were truly rooted in the communities. Many of our communities are increasingly diverse. Of necessity, then, a greater reflection of those communities would produce a greater reflection of diversity. One major concern we have is in fact the lack of rootedness established by the CBC in communities.
I can't remember the other question.