Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
In our efforts to be globally recognized, I think we have to appreciate that even within our country perhaps we don't recognize each other. We have stopped telling each other the stories that would allow us to know each other, from coast to coast and regionally.
I'm concerned that in our search for increased funding that Ms. Fry was referring to earlier, and chronic underfunding of the CBC in the past decade—it certainly hasn't been a priority—in our thirst for extra funding, we begin to compromise Internet neutrality by corporatizing it. I'm just wondering if, in some of the comments you made, charging fees and so on for certain productions could lead to compromising the Internet's neutrality. That's the question.
The other one is that you've both mentioned and the expansion of it. Given the presentation we had earlier, the cost it has, the amount of money that has been expended to that by comparison to the CBC's overall funding, and according to surveys, the disproportionately low use it is receiving by comparison to others, I'm wondering, given the underfunding, which hopefully will change, if that's the best way to go.
We heard this morning, for example, that the CBC has asked to reduce the over-the-air transmission. We heard this morning that there are even some cities that have lost the CBC, the possibility of receiving it. I'm wondering if we're jumping too fast, too soon, without appropriate levels of funding before rectifying the huge problem that is plaguing the CBC and risks making it irrelevant. At some point there will be nothing left to defend if we keep going in that direction.
So I have a number of questions.