Thank you.
I want to thank Anne, Ian, and Andrew for coming in front of us today.
I have a couple of questions.
First, to Andrew, you said in your presentation that the CBC needs no modification. I'd like you to elaborate on that, because many people have told us that the CBC isn't actually moving as quickly as it could to utilize the new digital medium. How do you feel the CBC could do that?
My next question, which is open to Ian and Anne as well, is with regard to the CBC's mandate. It says that it must be predominantly and distinctively Canadian. Do you think it is doing that? It also says that the CBC must reflect Canada and its regions. One only has to look at the little red chart here to ask a very important question--namely, do you think the CBC reflects its regions through national and regional radio and television? Or do you think it should? And finally, does the CBC respect the multicultural and multiracial nature of Canada?
Those are the three basic questions.