French and French content not only have to be promoted within CBC, but also... As you say in English, they need to walk the talk. You need to promote people who are active in French, and I'm not just talking about people at CBC, our official spokespersons or writers for L'Express du Pacifique. We need a broader base, francophones should be called upon to write in French, to meet in French, and this no longer happens.
When I hear the term "accountability framework", it gives me the shivers. Once again you would have francophones switching off because of all the red tape. We already have a regional panel at CBC which hasn't done a thing, and which doesn't broadcast anything on the web. In my opinion, an accountability framework, is all about Web 2.0, and counting the number of hits and being transparent with its viewership. This is the best way of determining whether the public broadcaster is doing a good job. But if the public broadcaster doesn't welcome this feedback and continues to censor it, and if it doesn't have its own ombudsman and transparent and accountable processes, well, then it will be tough.