This is in answer to Ms. Fry's question about the instantaneous demise of the CBC and what that would mean to our interest group, which is the production community in British Columbia. There actually could be mechanisms that replace it, through CRTC requirements for the private broadcasters and whatnot, that would be just as beneficial. And there have been times in the history of the relationship between this community and the CBC when it really wouldn't have made very much difference at all whether it was a private broadcaster or the CBC.
That's why we're stressing the importance of regional presence, as opposed to a centre and satellites. If the CBC's mandate is reaffirmed to be having responsibility for having a major presence in all regions of the country, big and small, then it makes a huge difference, because it is the only agency in the country that has that mandate. And that's just crucial for the future of cultural development, in our view.