In terms of funding, if we're talking about making.... The CBC is mainly becoming commercial-free; obviously, then, there needs to be a new financing model. I don't imagine this government is particularly sympathetic currently to increasing the funding to the CBC, so I think there needs to be a hard look at other revenue models and at how the CBC is spending its money and at how much it spends on sports. It gets a lot of viewers--is that worth it? It's losing the Olympics; I think that's significant. But what are the other revenue models?
My fondness for CBC comes from Mr. Dressup and The Friendly Giant. Is the CBC exploiting its resources adequately? Is it providing The Beachcombers and all these shows online so that you can download them? That's a practical reality now; it's not even a couple of years from now.
There are other ways that the CBC.... It's very hard in this kind of atmosphere to just throw out recommendations, but I think it certainly warrants study. I personally think that in order for the CBC to survive in the modern world, it could benefit from more money, but I also think there needs to be harder scrutiny of the management and how those funds are allocated. A lot of things could be done differently. There's a lot of money invested in odd places--real estate, for example--that don't need to be there to make the CBC what it is, places where you could squeeze money out of it.