We don't have the resources to move that quickly. It would take us, I would believe, by my last numbers, about ten years to be able to move as far as we think is appropriate at present. We have moved very quickly in certain places. For example, on the French television production side, we've moved very well, but not on the new side of French television. But on the TV production side, we have digitalized several studios and we have created HD studios that can move ahead. We have commissioned and built two HD mobiles, which we use both for production purposes and for sports purposes.
But where we are very short on money is, first, to finish converting the facilities we'd like to convert at the Toronto broadcasting centre. We have no money to convert regional production centres to HD or digital, except sometimes we get fortunate and we take equipment from one place and move it to another as we upgrade. For example, in Moncton we were able to upgrade to digital by moving one of the studios to HD. But generally speaking, we are very short on that and we have almost no money at this point for transmission purposes. We count on transmission of satellite, some over the air, but very minimal. For that purpose, we would need a significant injection of funds.