I think, Mr. Angus, you're absolutely right. There is a long tail now for both the monetization and the viewing.
People are not going to necessarily watch things when we tell them to watch; they're not necessarily going to watch it the way we tell them to watch it. There has to be an adjustment in the financial model and in the purchase model. I think that is one of the key issues before the Canadian Television Fund, which has provoked the discussions we're now having, and that is how to move forward.
From the point of view of the independent producers, there's fear they are going to be taken to the cleaners. That's why we thought we were being fair in saying look, we'll act as your distributor, but it will be a fifty-fifty deal.
Something will have to be worked out. Because you're absolutely right, without that we're going to be depriving a lot of Canadians of Canadian content.