Understood--so I'll speak quickly.
On the question of the delineation of the resources that you suggest should be focused on regional and national programming, leaving local interests to private broadcasters, what happens in the cases where there is no fulsome private broadcast? I live in a provincial capital that's covered privately, I guess, by Global and ATV, both of them emanating from Halifax, and it's obvious--no disrespect to my good friend from Halifax. But if it weren't for the public broadcaster doing local in Fredericton--and I suspect the same would apply to Charlottetown--it would be very out of balance in terms of what would be of local interest. That's one. What happens then?
The second one--and then I'll stop--is very simple. In more practical, detailed terms, what is the complementary relationship? I know in theory, and I heard it in theory, but I'd like to know practically what you mean when you say that. What are the things that are appropriately complementary? Where is that appropriate complementarity not being fulfilled right now?