I have two quick questions. They both somewhat have to do with financial viability.
I think you're saying, as everyone has said, that the CBC should be free of commercial revenue. But in order to do it, the CBC will have to become financially supported in a manner that allows it to be viable with regard to its mandate. It means the government will have to fund the CBC appropriately. However, at the moment, I notice that English CBC is raising revenues of $200 million a year to make it viable, and French CBC is raising revenues of $100 million a year to make it viable. Should the government suddenly find an extra $300 million a year to give to the CBC in order to make it viable? That's the first question.
The second question is this. You said the BBC raised a level of funding to help it on an international level. It took local programming and made it internationally viable for funding. How did it do that? How can the CBC do that to raise some of the $300 million it needs right now from commercial revenue to make it viable?