Thank you very much.
Thank you, and welcome. I appreciate your opening statements.
We're hearing about the resource issue from everyone, and I think it's fair to say that, generally speaking, there's a recognition that we expect too much for too little. I think in order to make the case, we need to know clearly what it is that we would ask the government to provide those resources for. Each of us, I think individually, has ideas about that. I'm sure you do. I think collectively we have to come together on that so there's a particular general vision for the CBC that would then be the basis around which significant resource commitments could be made.
What does the CBC look like in five years? What do you see? We'll compare notes. We all have in our minds what we think it looks like. We need to know what you think it looks like. You didn't speak too much about new media.
I accept the fact that no one has definitive answers, but I think if we're going to ask for those resources, it would be irresponsible for us to do so without addressing that issue. Other than direct support from the government by way of budgetary items, are there other ideas you have as to how resources could flow? I see your position on advertising, and that's shared by many. Are there any other creative ideas? I think there are some references here. I'd like you to elaborate a little bit on that. Could you maybe answer those first?